Changes in the 7Up Program

Changes in the 7Up Program

I’m KayDee Gilkey and welcome to Open Range. Here’s Greg with today’s report.


I’m Greg Martin with the AgriBeef Minute. There is good change and then there is bad change. In the case of AgriBeef’s 7Up cattle program a recent change is good news. Cattle buyer and rancher Tom Hill is excited about some recent changes in the Double R Bull program. He says it’s great news for both the Anderson family and AgriBeef.


HILL: The 7Up program is going to be revisited back with the originators, Terry and Debbie Anderson. They are back in a position where they can really establish their ownership and management entirety of the 7Up program so it’s great news that the Anderson’s are going to be back fully in charge with 100% ownership of the 7Up program.


The program will still continue with AgriBeef as co-operators.


HILL: To provide the best service and the best genetics available to commercial cattlemen in the Pacific Northwest both from an AgriBeef perspective and from a 7Up perspective so instead of being one combined now it’s going to be two separate programs with similar goals and a cooperative spirit to make it work.


Hill says this is really good news for everyone involved and looks forward to the upcoming Double R sale featuring some select 7Up bulls.


I’m Greg Martin and that’s today’s AgriBeef Minute.


Thanks Greg. Don’t forget Greg will be back each Wednesday with the AgriBeef Minute. Agri Beef Co - Real Families, Great People, Exceptional Beef. I’m KayDee Gilkey.

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