10-23 IAN Pre-emergence

10-23 IAN Pre-emergence

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Protect your corn yield. Well with this year's crop well on its way to being harvested, once everything is in you will have some time on your hands to think about next year. I'll bet when you think about the past crop of corn, wheat, sugar beets, onions or whatever, you may be thinking back about weed control. Dr. Gordon Vail - Technical Product Lead for Syngenta - explains why early-season weed management is crucial for controlling problem weeds with a pre-emergence application of Lumax EZ or Lexar EZ herbicide followed by Halex GT herbicide. Early season weed management is really important and it is getting more and more important every year, particularly as we are seeing an increase in resistant weeds, we are seeing this total reliance on post emergence programs and they are not working. We've got resistance to multiple modes of action and for growers to have successful weed management, they are going to need to put something down before the weeds emerge because as we are learning through research, you have to control these weeds before they emerge. Otherwise you may have a difficult time controlling them. So it is really important to put something down from a pre-emergence standpoint to control those residual weeds so that when you do come back and make a post in emergence application, of something like a Halex GT for example, you won't have near as many weeds present at that application time and you put a lot less pressure on those products so early season really pays.
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