10-1 SS Simpson Sage Grouse

10-1 SS Simpson Sage Grouse

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Time is Needed for Sage Grouse Efforts

Shortly before Congress adjourned for the August District Work Period, the House Appropriations Committee began consideration of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY2014.  As Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, Idaho Republican Congressman Mike Simpson worked to ensure that western interests were protected in this bill, and he was disappointed that it was pulled from consideration before it could be passed out of Committee.  During his time in Congress, he has consistently worked to preserve responsible access to and use of public land.  This is why Simpson included language in the Interior Appropriations bill to delay the decision on whether to list the sage-grouse as an endangered species for a year. Here's his spokesperson, Nikki Watts: "As someone who grew up in Idaho and has an A+ rating with the National Rifle Association, Congressman Simpson knows the value of being able to hunt and fish. Mike is especially interested in the protecting hunting and fishing rights in his Interior Appropriations Bill. As you may know, the Fish and Wildlife Service must determine whether to list the sage-grouse by the end of fiscal year 2015, a deadline included in two large court settlements. Simpson's provision would delay the decision on whether to list the sage-grouse for a year while stakeholders involved complete their important work on this issue."



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