9-30 IAN Pioneer Shutdown
The Pioneer Irrigation District Board of Directors announced that all irrigation deliveries will end tomorrow, October 1, 2013.The end of water deliveries marks the closing of a difficult 2013 irrigation season. Despite the limited water supply the District's season lasted almost a month longer than anticipated. Pioneer says they would like to thank their Patron's for their conservation efforts. With constant monitoring and tweaking of diversion flows by the District manager, Pioneer was able to keep water flowing. Last year Pioneer ended water deliveries on October 5.
Boise River water will continue to flow into Pioneer's division for a couple of additional days before it is closed. That allows water flows to flush any debris from the District's hundreds of miles of canals, laterals and drains before they dry up, according to Mark Zirschky, Pioneer's water superintendent.
It will take several days after the headgates are closed before water is out of the canals. Shortly after that, Pioneer crews will launch their annual winter maintenance program. Pioneer officials are encouraging anyone who has plants, trees, sheds, pumps, etc., encroaching on a canal easement to remove those items. If not removed, state law authorizes Pioneer maintenance crews to do so. Anyone with questions regarding maintenance plans or activities are asked to call the Pioneer office at 459-3617.