9-19 IAT Response
Sometimes I have to be pretty thick skinned. I'll tell you why.I got the following email: "I know that your (should be spelled you're) an illegal immigrant worker zealot, therefore, I thought this video might be of interest to you. It shows that farmers can hire legal workers to do large jobs. This farmer profiled is honest, as opposed to the liars and cheaters in the dairy industry that you support and defend." My assumption is that the guy who sent me this email was reacting to a couple of stories I recently did on a produce farmer who complains bitterly about the fact that there is not an adequate legal workforce in this country. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack is also quoted as saying we need comprehensive immigration reform. The emailer also put a link to a YouTube video of an onion farmer in Vidalia, Georgia who is using a migrant workforce that is legally here in America. They are happily working hard harvesting onions. So, am I an illegal immigrant worker zealot? Not a zealot. I do believe the laws in this country should be followed. The YouTube video shows that when the laws are followed great things can get done. So to the emailer, get your facts straight buddy. And learn how to spell. And yes, I do defend the dairy industry. Why? Because I am proud of them, that's why.