EPA Comment Period Part 2
EPA Comment Period Part 2. I'm Greg Martin with today's Line On Agriculture.The EPA is asking for comments regarding a number of soil fumigants that are up for re-regisrtation. They include Methyl Bromide, Chloropicrin, Metam Sodium/Metam Potassium and Dazomet. Jim Fitzgerald, Executive Director with Far West Agribusiness Association says EPA has made some label changes and is looking for feedback from producers.
FITZGERALD: I believe that it has been delayed a little bit just because the fumigation season is typically October/November. They will either open those comments and extend the comment period or maybe delay opening comments and just run it for 60 days or so.
It is EPA's intent to:reduce potential for direct exposure to toxic concentrations, reduce the likelihood of accidents and errors, foster planning & compliance and assure appropriate response to exposures.
FITZGERALD: We thought it was a good business practice to make sure that our members and members of the public knew that there would be a comment period and to kind of keep their notes together so if there is a short comment period they're pretty much ready to go. And those comments on how things actually work in the field are really important to the industry.
Again, that comment period window is not yet open but we will try and update you when we get the word.
FITZGERALD: They're always learning more about effects whether it's pesticides or anything in normal everyday life so it's just a precautionary safety measure to make sure that the products that we use are safe.
That's today's Line On Agriculture. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.