Predation by predators errrhhh makes that wolves.
Wolves seem to be headliners most of the time these days. Last week we did a story where we ran off some numbers showing that wolves kill sheep in epic numbers. Have you talked to an elk hunter or a mule deer hunter lately. The sportsman I've chatted with claim their numbers are down dramatically and they blame wolves. Fish and Game official Jeff Gould talked to me the other day about trapping. "We have a second year of trapping and now we are starting to build some tradition. What we want to do is explore options with them to see if we can facilitate additional trapping. If there are ways that we can offset some of their costs and have them continue to trap to the end of the season, we just want to begin those discussions. So those are two separate stories on how we are working with managing wolves in Idaho on the one hand and working with regulated hunting and trapping and on the other hand, in areas where hunting and trapping are not doing enough, we are working with wildlife services when they are responding to livestock depredations, we are asking that they make sure, we don't want them to fall short in terms of having the resources to address that situation, especially when we think it is going to benefit elk in that circumstance.