8-29 IAT Farmboy Matt

8-29 IAT Farmboy Matt

 Matt ShiozawaI is a major rodeo star as a calf roper. To use the old cliché he is also a simple country boy. And where did he grow up? On a farm. “Dad had some hay and potato farms and we set up the irrigation. It was basically me and a couple of friends. We had a John Deere tractor and a pipe trailer. We had assistance setting up the pumps and stuff but as far as setting up the main lines and the hand lines and of course moving and transferring all of those, that was our responsibility. We were also responsible for fertilizer application applying it through the lines. We tried to do it in a timely fashion so that the crops would get irrigated consistently. Summer time, most of the kids were playing around, and we did have time to goof off and stuff but in the morning and at night you definitely had responsibilities, working was not optional, it’s just the way it was. The farms and the ground that dad was leasing were in Chubbuck, Idaho. How did you come into contact with the horses? My dad was a roper.

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