Military Provides Planned Approach to Complex System

Military Provides Planned Approach to Complex System

Military Provides Planned Approach to Complex System

I’m KayDee Gilkey with today’s Open Range.

Allan Savory, one of the founders of the Savory Institute and who 40 plus years ago began healing the land with holistic planned grazing created the planned grazing approach from more than 300 years of military history and experience.

Savory: “I simply turned to the profession that had the most experience dealing with ever changing, complicated situations and that was the military. So rather than reinvent the wheel, I took over 300 years of military experience in immediate battlefield planning and adapted it to ranching and pastural situation and that worked. And we’ve never had a failure with that in over 40 years now.”

Yes, he did say that there hasn’t been any failures in more than four decades when this planned grazing system is used properly.

Savory shares the military’s experiences of trying to manage the unknowns, high stress and rapidly changing situations is comparable to ranching.

Savory: “So it was a natural fit with ranching situations where you might get a fire going through, you may be getting droughts, or unknown weather -- all sorts of things. We can take people in extremely stressed situations and if they will just relax and follow that simple planning procedure; it takes the stress out and the best plan emerges.”

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