BOLD News for Beef
BOLD News for Beef
I’m KayDee Gilkey with today’s Open Range.
Researchers at The Pennsylvania State University demonstrated that eating beef everyday as part of a heart-healthy diet can improve cholesterol levels, contrary to what many people may hear from their doctor.
Executive Director of Communications for the National Beef Cattlemen’s Association Daren Williams shares more details about the study.
Williams: “Well BOLD stands for Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet. But I say this is BOLD News for beef, because we’ve always heard that the conventional wisdom is that beef causes heart disease, and saturated fat causes heart disease. What the BOLD Study found is that actually if you choose lean cuts and you include them in a heart-healthy diet -- fruits and vegetables and whole-grains and other heart-healthy foods you can lower your LDL cholestrol and this is contrary to conventional wisdom and great news for beef.”
William tells how to get a copy to share with your doctor.
Williams: “You can download that from website or just google BOLD: Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet and get a copy of the study. It ran in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition which is a very respected peer-reviewed journal that doctors will pay attention to that. Take a copy of that study to your doctor, or if you are seeing a cardiologist, take a copy of this study so they have the latest and greatest BOLD information about beef.”