Tax Reporting for H-2A Employers

Tax Reporting for H-2A Employers

 Tax Reporting for H-2A Employers. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

The Washington Farm Labor Association is once again offering a free class to help you with some of your H2A issues. Melina Mendoza is the manager for the program.

MENDOZA: There’s this new regulation that came out that requires workers to file income tax at the end of the year and so that’s something new that employers haven’t had to deal with before. Prior to this they used to have to just file a 1099 Misc. to the workers and now they have to pay wages on the W-2.

That is not normally an issue but Mendoza explains...

MENDOZA: Being that workers are only here for a short period of time and it’s something completely new to them as to how to file taxes we’re trying to teach our employers on teaching their employees on what they can do to file either an extension so that they can file their income tax the following year that they return or for them to file an income tax before they leave.

Moss Adams will be giving this free seminar next Thursday.

MENDOZA: They can expect to hear from a tax professional who can walk them through the process of having their workers file an extension so that will at least allow them time for them to get the W-2 and then file taxes the following year when they come back. They can visit our website and register. It’s free to all our members.It’s Thursday September 27th at 11am.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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