Under Secretary On Ag

Under Secretary On Ag

Under Secretary On Ag. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

USDA Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, Michael Scuse was in Central Washington yesterday visiting the Don Olmstead cherry orchard in Grandview. He said that was the best part of his job.

SCUSE: Getting out and meeting with other farmers from the United States as well as other countries of the world; that really is the best part of the job when you go and see different crops being produced, talk to the different producers, listen to their issues. Agriculture, I don’t care where you are and what products you produce in many cases we all face the similar issues.

Scuse commented on the diversity of ag products in the state.

SCUSE: I don’t know that I’ve ever been anyplace and have seen the diversity in crops that I have seen here in the State of Washington. We’re hopeful that with the Free Trade Agreements that have been ratified; the South Korea, Columbia and Panama, that they are going to have an impact - a significant impact on agriculture and the bottom line for our producers.

He talks specifically about cherries in South Korea.

SCUSE: We think that, yeah, with the tariff reduction that there should be an increase in our sales there. We continue to work around the world to open up new markets for a whole host of new products.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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