In Remembrance
For a large majority of us Memorial Day weekend is a time for warm weather fun, happy celebrations, and backyard picnics or barbecues. Too often, we forget what Memorial Day really means, and we seldom ask ourselves why we even celebrate Memorial Day. This year, in between the burger and brew remember to take a moment to honor U.S. soldiers who have served bravely and given the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our country. Originally known as Decoration Day, the Memorial Day holiday started after the Civil War to honor those from the North and South who died in the War Between the States. In an effort to put the memorial back into Memorial Day the President asks all Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance. All of us, wherever we are, should pause at 3:00 pm local time Memorial Day for one minute of silence to honor those who have died in service to the United States. Whether you support what the military stands for or not, take this moment to honor those who died serving their country, our country. If it weren’t for these brave men and women, it might not have been “our” country.