4-12 SS Hunting Exotics

4-12 SS Hunting Exotics

 Hunting of rare species under fire. That was in the Idaho Statesman and it’s a flaming controversy amongst the hunting community.  Bob Angel is probably as experienced a hunter as you will find anywhere in the country. He is a student in the sense that he has studied animal patterns, outfitters, geography, hunting equipment… Everything that relates to this wonderful outdoor activity. He’s been to Africa imeasurable times hunting big game. In fact he’s been all over the world. So what does he think about the controversy surrounding shutting down game farms that have exotic animals?  “I read that. It’s the tree huggers. The anti-hunting group saying that you don’t have the right to shoot animals that you have raised and have them on your own property. If you raised a deer and put him in a pen and put a fence in and have somebody shoot them, you cannot do that anymore. That’s what they want to do Is shut down all game farming throughout the United States. This is kind of a test case in Texas. These animals, if they had not been raised on these farms in Texas, they are extinct in Africa. These are the last, the remnants, and they are very well-managed. These guys have 100 farms and have 10,000 of these rare antelope, the last left in the world, and they let guys come in and shoot a few bulls every year and that brings income and keeps it going. That’s all it is plain and simple. So they are making  a stink in saying that these animals are endangered. Well yes they are endangered because they have been poached to extinction in Africa. They are not endangered here thank God.

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