Backyard Getaway
Is it a garden shed, outdoor office, or backyard getaway? The answer would be yes to all three when describing our neighbor’s quaint, almost fairy tale looking backyard hideaway. Be it sheds, huts, gazebos, or tree houses, people are discovering the usefulness a backyard retreat can have, as well as the creative inspiration such a space can bring. This is really nothing new though considering that Mark Twain wrote a large portion of his literary works from his “garden getaway”, and that Thomas Jefferson pondered the nation’s future while enjoying Virginia sunsets in his brick garden pavilion. Working from home has become more of the norm, and since home remodeling can be quite expensive a modest garden shed can offer the perfect solution to the quandary of where to put a home office. Lets face it, there’s a little bit of the pioneer in all of us and the ability to have our own “little cabin in the wild” all within the safe confines of our own backyard is very appealing. There is a lot to be said for being able to get away from the main stream, or rather the main house, if only for a few blissful moments out of the day.