A rural tax resource

A rural tax resource

Washington Ag Today December 26, 2011 USDA’s Risk Management Agency recently announced the availability of a newly created website titled: Rural Tax Education. Jo Lynne Seufer with the regional RMA office says it is a resource for farmers and ranchers.

Seufer: “One of goals is to always help producers manage all risks not necessarily just the price and production risk that our insurance tools provide but also education about managing various risks including legal, farm safety, farm transition. And in this instance RMA funded a project called “Rural Tax Education“ and it provides farmers and ranchers a great online resource for agriculture related income and self-employment tax information that is both up to date and easy to understand. That website is ruraltax.org. And again, our partners were several land grant universities throughout the United States.

That website again; ruraltax.org has added “Tax Guide for Owners and Operators of Small and Medium Size Farms” and offers several fact sheets and samples, including Tax Topics; Depreciation and Expensing; Farm, Farming and Who’s a Farmer for Tax Purposes.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s Washington Ag Today on Northwest Aginfo Net.

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