Wine Makers Paradise
There’s nothing like a little healthy competition. In numerous wine competitions around the globe American wines have done well and proven themselves capable of holding their own against their European competitors. While most American vineyards could be considered just “toddlers” in comparison to the “oldsters” of other wine regions in the world, US wineries have taken the advantage of youthful exuberance and determination and put it to work making wines that have taken some of the highest awards at international exhibits. Wine producers here in the US can be found in all fifty states. California is home to some of the oldest and most famous vineyards, but other states are quickly catching up with the golden state. Washington and Oregon have turned into major wine producing regions since both states offer up some of the most ideal grape growing climates. A 1933 article stated that “within a short time hundreds of wineries will be functioning in America, offering up good sound wines not produced elsewhere; with the American wine drinker finding types that will delight his taste and warm his heart.” That was well predicted indeed.