Conjecture As A Science
The challenging of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 2008 listing of polar bears under the Endangered Species Act continues as scientists decree that polar ice caps are disappearing which in turn is leading to declining numbers of polar bears. What scientists have not been able to determine is the how and why of what they perceive as a greenhouse gases situation affecting polar bears. Farmers, ranchers, and all the rest of us who produce carbon dioxide are being blamed for the plight of the polar bear, but this is based on pure conjecture, not scientific fact. Interestingly not all polar bear populations are down. In nearly half of the polar bear populations being tracked by the agency’s scientists their numbers were up. Yes, I said up. Scientists are not sure why the other populations were declining or making long distance treks, but when in doubt, make it up seems to be the science of choice now days. Perhaps polar bears are just trying to get away from all the “catch and release” they’re being subjected to. What mother wouldn’t go to great lengths to remove her offspring from perceived danger? Hey, if the scientists can guess, so can we.