2011 Cherry Outlook Part 2
2011 Cherry Update Part 2. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.
Cherry season is in the very beginning stages as buds are setting on and orchardists are keeping an eye on the weather. BJ Thurlby with the NW Cherry Growers says they are also looking at how the Japanese crisis is going to play out.
THURLBY: That’s obviously become a big issue and I know my growers have been partners with the people of Japan for years and it’s got us a little nervous. We’re hoping for the best there. The big question now is A: can they get their recovery program back in place by the time we start to want to ship during the middle of June and then what is the implications of the nuclear plant issue that seems to be there right now.
That is of course a complete unknown at the moment.
THURLBY: That’s kind of a big question mark but that’s a 350-400 thousand box market that we’d certainly like to have and we’re hoping we’re going to have but just like all other businesses are kind of saying, they need to get their feet back underneath them a little bit and we’ll be able to maybe see where it’s going to go during the California crop.
He says that the area where most NW cherries are shipped is part of the least affected areas so that is good news.
THURLBY: You know with everyone staying in and terrified of radiation issues well, it’s just not going to be a very good year for us.
Another issue that may come into play is the fact that the Japanese nuclear reactor is only 50 miles from their prime cherry-growing region.
That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.