Flawed Initiative Process
It was inevitable, anti-animal agriculture initiatives being proposed in most states due to the success of California’s Proposition 2, which focused on caged chickens. Washington is the newest target for such an initiative that would require all egg producers to meet HSUS standards for confined animal production. Trouble is the HSUS’s well masked approved standard actuality calls for the complete elimination of all animal agriculture. In the mean time, they will continue to take legislative “bites” out of the animal ag industry, bite by crippling bite, until such time as they feel they’ve dealt enough damaging blows with restrictive initiatives aimed at animal agriculture to make it worthwhile for them to move in for the kill. If you’re under the impression that this isn’t your concern or fight because you’re not an egg producer, farmer, or rancher, guess again. When the dust settles non-vegan and vegan alike will find themselves paying a high price for complacency towards such initiatives, beginning, but not ending with, their grocery bill. Don’t consider this someone else’s problem, it will most assuredly be everyone’s problem.