Undersecretary Miller leaving USDA;  Murray honored by NAWG

Undersecretary Miller leaving USDA; Murray honored by NAWG

Farm and Ranch January 21, 2011 Former eastern Washington farmer and current USDA Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Jim Miller is leaving his post later this month. In his current position Miller oversees areas such as the Foreign Agricultural Service for trade and the Farm Service Agency for domestic programs.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack noted that ag exports continued to increase under Miller’s leadership. Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan agreed.

Merrigan: “He will be extremely missed here. He has been an unbelievable champion for global trade for farmers and ranchers overseas. I don‘t know how many frequent flyer miles he has clocked. He is road weary. He has really given some new visions to the Farm Service Agency. On top of his trade work he is going to be impossible to replaced and deeply missed by all of his colleagues here.”

North Dakota Senator Ken Conrad, a key member of the Senate Agriculture And Budget committees has confirmed that Miller will be rejoining his staff next month as a senior aide leading his negotiations on the 2012 Farm Bill.

Washington Senator Patty Murray is the recipient of the National Association of Wheat Growers’ 2010 Wheat Leader of the Year Award, the wheat industry’s highest public service award. The award is given annually to one member of Congress based on his or her demonstrated commitment to the well-being and goals of the wheat industry.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report on Northwest Aginfo Net.

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