Season for the Myths
What gets food activists worked up into a foaming at the mouth rage, why high fructose corn syrup of course. And what better time of the year to get in everybody’s face about it than Christmas, when nearly everyone and their dog are making and enjoying all kinds of sweet goodies. So lets go over some of the myths surrounding corn syrup. Myth number one, HFCS is sweeter than table sugar: fact is the HFCS found in most grocery products is equal in sweetness to sucrose. Myth number two, HFCS is addictive: addiction is a behavior disorder with physical symptoms, people with a “sweet tooth” do not suffer withdrawals. Myth number three, some sugars are more natural than others: the FDA considers cane, beet, corn sugar and honey “natural”, containing nothing artificial or synthetic. Myth number four, Santa Claus...whoops, wrong myth, I’ll let you deal with that one. But as for holiday goodies, don’t let myths about different sugars get in your way of enjoying Aunt Jenny’s chocolate fudge, or Grandpa Bill’s peanut brittle this holiday season. Just know that with the new year comes a brand new gym membership!