First national report on winter wheat seeding

First national report on winter wheat seeding

Farm and Ranch September 23 2010 Several states had been reporting the progress of winter wheat seeding over the past few weeks, but this week was the first report from the USDA on planting progress on a national scale.

Rippey: “And as of September 19th planting progress had reached 18%. That is slightly behind the five year average of 21% and last year‘s number of 22% at this time.”

USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey who says significant planting progress is taking place in many states.

Rippey: “Leading the way at this point is Nebraska, 51% of the planting complete by September 19th. Five year average 45%. And in the northwest Washington state reached the halfway mark by September 19th. That is also one point ahead of the five year average pace of 49%.”

Oregon reports sixteen percent of its winter wheat had been planted at the start of this week, three points behind average. In Idaho 22 percent of the winter wheat crop was seeded, four points behind the five year average.

Idaho still had about 15 percent of its spring wheat to harvest at the start of this week. USDA’s Rippey says nationally the spring wheat harvest was 87 percent complete.

Rippey: “Slightly behind the five year average of 96% but ahead of last year‘s pace of 82%.”

The potato harvest in Washington was approaching the halfway mark at 45 percent complete. The five year average for now is 61 percent. Idaho has harvested 13 percent of its potato crop, just two points off the average pace.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report on Northwest Aginfo Net.


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