Good Out of Bad

Good Out of Bad

It is ironic to say the least that on so many occasions something we perceive as "bad happening will actually result in creating something good. Now, while most of you are scratching your heads and asking, "What did she just say, let me explain. The high price of gasoline has placed a crunch on most Americans pocketbooks, which means less money spent on extras; such as eating out two or three times a day which can add up to a hefty $500 to $600 dollars a month. As a result people are once again familiarizing themselves with their kitchens and finding out that they need some essentials in that arena, such as cookbooks and basic cooking utensils; both areas which report a double digit increases in sales. With the interest in eating at home comes the desire to make healthy meals from fresh local produce. In addition to eating at home people are walking or biking more, utilizing public transportation and overall saving energy. All things we can now add to the list of positives that have come from rising fuel prices.

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