High Tech
It seems everything is going high tech these days, and that includes agriculture. While blogging and Facebooking are still rather foreign to some farmers, many more are jumping into these social medias and networking with both feet. In today’s climate of quickly advancing technology individuals have the opportunity to communicate with their fellow human beings like no generation before them has ever had the ability to do. Farmers and ranchers are no exception. They too are discovering the benefit of being able to have nearly immediate satisfaction by e-mailing ag inquiries with photos or details to their local county extension agent or agronomist for identification and recommendation, no longer having to wait days or weeks. In addition to the more traditional mediums of television and radio, farmers and ranchers can now go “on line” for news and information, and join in forums with fellow farmers and ranchers. As with all things, each individual will have to decide for themselves which of these innovative technologies best works for them and their agriculture business.