01/08/09  Sage Grouse

01/08/09 Sage Grouse

Could Idaho ranchers lose grazing land? I'm David Sparks. That story in a minute. Back in December there was a meeting in Reno Nevada that could have a pretty serious impact on cattle ranchers and sheep producers in the state of Idaho. The meeting involved the status of the sage grouse whose habitat in eleven of the Western states has been seriously reduced due to wildfire damage. In short, there is a question about sage grouse being listed as endangered species. Wally Butler, Range and Livestock Specialist for the Idaho Farm Bureau Federation&"It's a bird that if it were to get listed it would make the spotted owl look like a really minor deal." How would this affect livestock producers? "In many cases, grazing would come to a stop. In other places it would change either the season of use or the number of animals and the large issue that folks don't realize is that these animals don't just get put on a shelf. You say well they can't graze for this month. They've still gotta eat for that month. It would cause a great rippling effect in changing the face of livestock production in the state." Assistant Interior Secretary Stephen Allred says he is optimistic that wildlife management efforts are producing positive results in terms of the sage grouse population. So if they aren't listed, will ranchers breathe easier? "They will if the bird is not listed and that ruling is yet to come next spring.
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