01/08/08 The Circle of Life

01/08/08 The Circle of Life

The circle of life, I'm Jeff Keane and I'll be back with how the west nile chain could affect you and your horses. The cycle begins with an infected bird, a mosquito feeds on that bird, then potentially passes the virus into humans and horses, which are thought to be dead end hosts for the Arborvirus we all know as West Nile, here's Becky with more. The West Nile Virus was not discovered in the US until 1999 in New York, but has wasted no time spreading across the country. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 44 states have confirmed cases of Equine West Nile Virus. With numbers peaking over 15 thousand in 2002, cases are decreasing with 224 reported nationwide this year. Washington, Oregon and Idaho contributed 21 of those confirmed cases. The virus causes encephalitis or inflammation of the brain and symptoms include lack of coordination, fever and paralysis. With a mortality rate of approximately 30% in horses the question becomes, are you taking the steps to protect you and your horse? While the risk of contraction is slim for your horse, fall is the deadliest season. Making small adjustments such as removing stagnant water from around your home, using insect repellent and vaccinating horses annually are just a few simple ways to safe guard you and your animals. Well Becky, while it does appear that humans and horses are at the end of this virus cycle I don't think I'd like to be a dead end host. I'm Jeff Keane.
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