TPP Dying.

TPP Dying.

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell revealed that Congress will not take action on TPP this year.  The White House still hopes to seal the deal before Obama leaves office on January 20th, but the road won't be easy to get it to the floor for a vote. Cattle associations in the Northwest must surely be disappointed as evidenced by the Idaho Cattle Association's communication director Britney Hurst: "We are very disappointed, it would've been very good for all forms of agriculture." American Farm Bureau Federation's John Newton: "That is why we are focused on things like TPP and on the farm bill to make sure that dairy farmers have viable markets and effective safety nets in order to protect them against these kinds of environments.

Elsewhere and possibly good news regarding an issue that affects most of us in one way or another, a system just published by a group of researchers from Oregon and the United Kingdom could improve the effectiveness of an emerging concept in cancer treatment – to dramatically slow and control tumors on a long-term, sustained basis, not necessarily aiming for their complete elimination.

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