Bear Protection

Bear Protection

Matt Rice
Matt Rice
I've always dreamed of planning a big fishing trip in Alaska with family and friends, but one thing that can be easy to overlook when preparing is bear protection. Some people like to use bear spray while others prefer a high powered pistol. So I decided to get a hold of one of the locals in Alaska, a sportsman Warehouse firearm employee, to share his thoughts on the situation.

Kyle "In all honesty they prefer to have both. Your hand gun is basically going to be your secondary that hopefully you never have to pull that out against a bear. Especially if you're that close, but it's better to have both. The good thing about the 10 MM is you have more rounds, that one there is carrying 15 rounds. We have a lot of military that prefer to carry the 10 MM and it's a slimmer design. The thing about carrying that over the revolver, I mean a lot of guys it just depends on what they prefer. A lot of guys swear by the revolver, and then some guys like the 10 MM over the revolver. It's basically depends on what you're comfortable with. For me, personally I would be happy with either or, the glock 10 MM or the Alaskan Red hawk 454. For the glock I'd be happy because even if it might be a little lower in power, it's enough power to get the job done plus it's a semi auto you're not limited on the rounds. Whereas a revolver, you have 6 shots and you have to make that count."

Those are some great points, I know I myself prefer a pistol but I like the idea of having either or if the situation ever came about. Stop by your local Sportsmen warehouse and check out their bear spray inventory

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