Groundbreaking for canola plant; dairy cycles

Groundbreaking for canola plant; dairy cycles

Washington Ag Today September 9, 2011 Legumex Walker Inc. is holding a groundbreaking ceremony September 21st at 11 a.m. to mark the construction of a canola oilseed plant in Warden, Washington.

The facility will be operated by a subsidiary, Pacific Coast Canola and is designed to process 11-hundred metric tons of canola per day. The plant is expected to be completed by late 2012 and operational in early 2013.

Representatives of the USDA refused to take a position on that proposed dairy program of Foundation for the Future during a House Agriculture subcommittee hearing Thursday. The Subcommittee on Livestock Dairy and Poultry was also told that at this time the USDA has no intention of putting forth a proposal on dairy.

During the hearing California Congressman Jim Costa made a plea for cooperation on dairy policy.

Costa: “Given the volatile nature and the cycles that I referenced, if they continue on that pattern, 2000. 2003, 2006 and 2009 it will mean the next cycle will be next year. And with all the equity that has been lost in the diary industry in recent years I am not so sure we can survive another cycle as we did the last one. And I hope that we will all try to work together on behalf of dairy producers in America to avoid a crash as we have just had over the last two year cycle. The last bust cycle.”

Milk is the second highest valued commodity produced in Washington.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s Washington Ag Today on Northwest Aginfo Net.



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