Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

Last week representatives from 14 different countries were in Canada for the Global Roundtable For Sustainable Beef. AgriBeef Company Marketing Department's Alethea Prewett was in attendance and explains more

Prewett: "The theme of the conference was Building on Experience Regionally and Globally". So a lot of the presentations were about how we can take best practices and ideas that have been implemented around the world in relation to sustainability and apply them in different regions or countries or different production models to make more sustainable beef."

AgriBeef believes sustainability means more than just considering the environment, it is about ranches that are in the same family for multiple generations, it's providing a safe working environment for employees as well providing a nutritious and wholesome product for consumers. Prewett continues with what this is not

Prewett: "This isn't looking at creating industry-wide prescriptive measures. It's about sharing best practices and allowing each individual operation, business, producers make decisions towards these goals that work for them versus top down practices that people must implement. It is about creating a space where people can share ideas so that we can go back and improve individually on what makes sense in our operation. It is not out standardizing anything across the industry for sustainability."

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