Erasing Autism

Erasing Autism

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Dr. Shauna K. Young has written a book supporting a specific diet for children suffering autism. Incredibly, the diet recommends iron rich foods like beef. "I just heard from a parent not too long ago, I started working with her son when he was 22 and there was no hope. He had a job bagging groceries but he was so paranoid that he would lock himself in at night and build barricades of pillows and slept with knives under his bed. He had no friends nor any social life. He did the dietary protocol and his mom just let me know that he is engaged. So things have changed. The book is called Erasing Autism and I purposefully took out the different diagnoses... Everything from the milder ADD's to the real severe non-toilet trained autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, oppositional defiance disorder, and the whole spectrum because I want people to understand that these are all manifestations of the same thing. All of these different things they are being diagnosed with our symptoms of the same problem which is this iron/manganese imbalance. That is what this diet is specifically targeted to do is to oust the manganese out of the receptor sites where it is not supposed to be and put iron in the receptor sites where it is supposed to be. That way you are shutting off the symptom which is the extremely high sensory input.
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