Stan Boyd Retires

Stan Boyd Retires

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Stan Boyd’s been Executive Dir. of the Idaho Wool Growers Association for 38 years and has finally decided to step aside. He went through some controversy over times back in 2012 over the issue of disease transmission from domestic sheep to wild big horns was under extreme scrutiny by wool growers, environmentalists, the USDA, veterinary groups, U.S. Forest Service and the federal courts. I recently had a conversation with Stan: “Hey bad news for all of us. I hear you are retiring. Yes I have worked here for 38 years. It's time I turned 65 last winter and my wife retired as well. She's poking me in the ribs to do some traveling. Had other opportunities along the way but thought myself every time, I really like where I am. I'll still be buying lambs. I am general manager for Rocky Mountain and we market 70,000 lambs a year.” Good luck Stan.
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