

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Matt Brechwald hosts and produces The Off-Farm Income Podcast. “The reason I decided to do it was because of my own journey where I had gone to college, got a degree in agriculture, had every intention of having my own cattle and my own farm. Woke up about 20 years after I had graduated college and didn’t have any of that. I decided that it was time so we bought a farm and once we bought the farm, I realized that I no longer wanted to stay in my city job and commute into the city every day so I started a business to help support us and help support me staying out on the farm. Once I had success with that and made that transition and became 100% agriculturally based, I was so overwhelmed with the transition in my life that I decided I wanted to share that with other people because I knew there were other people out there that were good agricultural people that were finding themselves stuck in the city or looking at wanting to have a farm or live in a rural area but they didn’t know how to get it done.” If you find yourself in the same situation, you might want to Google Off Farm Income Podcast. A link will come up and you can listen to Matt.



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