#farm365 Again

#farm365 Again

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
A chat with Karianne Fallow, CEO, United Dairymen of Idaho concerning #farm365. "Did you read about the #farm365? I haven't really read it but I am familiar with it a little bit. Well, this Canadian farmer puts out this totally transparent twitter feed that shows happy cows in happy pastures and then he gets bombarded by animal activist groups. David, animal agriculture will always be a hot topic with animal activist groups and what we are trying to do on behalf of the dairy farm families of Idaho is showcased the care and love that our farmers have for their animals. Our farmers care for their animals to very impressive practice and our team is doing a lot more dairy farm tours and dairy farm videos and farmers are doing a lot more of telling their own stories. That comes with it, some risk. If your ad campaign is anywhere near representative of the real story on dairy farms, it is an endearing story. We couldn't do that image campaign unless our dairy farmers were authentic and genuine in their care for their animals and the act of farming.”
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