Jim Call's Stand

Jim Call's Stand

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
An innovative tree stand.

Jim Call is an outfitter who specializes in Whitetail bow hunting. He's come up with a great tree stand for bow hunters. "Most bow stands are small. You only have 14 to 18 to 20 inches face where mine are 30 inches wide and 4 feet long. You can shoot around a tree or whatever you have to do when you are with a bow. They will go from 12 to 16 feet in the air. They are carpeted and the seat swivels all the way around 360° or you can buy a seat that anchors to the tree. They are very unique and very nice to have. They are stable, they don't have any ratchet straps, ratchet straps get ruined in the sun in a year's time. They need to be replaced. I always use 3 ratchet straps. The other day we had a guy out on one and one of the straps busted. Thank goodness I had 3 straps. The ones I designed don't have any ratchet straps at all. There are 2 pendulum arms underneath the platform. They will open up to any tree and you anchor to the tree. They are more secure. And you had a pretty sturdy guy who is about 300+ pounds. Yes he called me up and he said that he was a pretty big boy, could I help him. I said come on down will take care of you. He has been back 5 years in a row.

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