PETA and Cattlemen

PETA and Cattlemen

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
"Farmers Told To Stop Fighting Animal Welfare Activists," In a story written for, It was reported that Peter Sandman, a New York-based, risk communication consultant, recently advised Australian farmers and ranchers to offer People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) an olive branch and work with the extreme animal rights group rather than vehemently oppose it. Sandman said, "Think about working with PETA. Ask PETA to sit on your advisory board." making a segue from advisory board to advice, I called Wyatt Prescott, Executive Director of the Idaho Cattle Association: "We believe in collaborating with anybody that is willing to collaborate and work together but unfortunately there are groups out there whose sole mission is to abolish all animal agriculture and live in a vegan society. At no point is there going to be any way that we can actually work with those individuals. Sometimes they come in disguise and they will work with you but in reality they can be pushing for another agenda and they're just trying to get one step closer to getting rid of all of animal agriculture. As far as I'm concerned PETA is among those groups that we absolutely cannot trust and whose sole mission is to stop the production of animals for food and fiber." Sandman says that cattlemen should be more proactive on social media.

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