Guest Chef

Guest Chef

Celebrity Chef. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.

During this year's Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers Annual Meeting you will have the chance to taste some great food paired with an equally wonderful Washington wine according to WAWGG's Vicky Scharlau.

SCHARLAU: Each year the wine grape growers go to a recommendation from our members and we select a guest chef. And this year we are actually delighted because the chose Dan Carr in the restaurant Visconti's which have locations both in Wenatchee and Leavenworth as well as in the new Pybus Market in Wenatchee.

Scharlau says it's an honor as well as a challenge for the guest chef each year.

SCHARLAU: Years ago the board of directors always had an industry event - a banquet during the convention and it was recommended by a member that we start to find a guest chef who could really put together a menu that would highlight the best of Washington wine.

The Wine Grape Growers' Annual Meeting, Convention and Trade Show is the premier educational opportunity for the Northwest grape and wine industry.

SCHARLAU: It's an industry event. We normally draw well over 2200 people. We have about 180 booths at our trade show plus some outside equipment for both wineries and growers to peruse. We have three days of sessions that target growers and winemakers and tasting room staff.

That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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