11-13 IAN Cowboy Healthcare

11-13 IAN Cowboy Healthcare

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Well this is the last day of the Idaho cattlemen's Association meeting up in Sun Valley and I had a chance to catch up with Executive Director of the ICA, Wyatt Prescott, and he told me that there was a great deal of interest in one of the meetings... That meeting that dealt with healthcare concerns. I tell you one thing. When you get a bunch of cattlemen in a room together, and the Obama name comes up, you will get a variety of interesting responses. But then there is healthcare and our government is very involved in that and it's a concern for cattlemen. Here's Wyatt: " There is a lot of interest and I think a lot of it is from the standpoint that it is a topic that we don't generally cover that often and yet everyone has to find insurance for themselves and there is a lot of concern out there as they had seen their premiums rise here in the near past. I have had a lot of inquiries as to what that session is about and it seems to me to be a lot of excitement over a closing session which is titled 'Politics and Healthcare' and what we can expect next. Everybody in our business is basically self-employed and have been fending for themselves for some time now. They have tried to find the best health insurance plans and have seen drastic increases in rates and trying to figure out what is going to happen next. What is wrong with telling a cattleman, Obama care is the answer? (Laughter) I think the premiums might say something a little different right now.
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