Mana Crop Protection's ABBA Ultra Part 2

Mana Crop Protection's ABBA Ultra Part 2

Mana Crop Protection’s ABBA Ultra Part 2. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

ABBA. Back in the 70‘s it was a popular singing group but according to Patrick Dosier, Market Development Manager for MANA Crop Protection, ABBA Ultra is a miticide/insecticide that can really help tree fruit producers here in the northwest and now is a good time to be thinking about applying ABBA Ultra.

DOSIER: In the tree crops, the fruit tree crops up there you definitely want to apply before the 5 mite relief threshold so I’d imagine that’s in May or June depending on your biological control in the area, the biology of the orchard but ideally for all the spider mite species that we control we definitely recommend before the 5 mite relief threshold.

Dosier talks about the timing and application of ABBA Ultra.

DOSIER: It’s ground application and we do recommend the use of a horticultural oil, a light summer oil to use with it. We do not want application 21 days before harvest as well. One additional thing I’d like to mention about timing is that we require application begin after petal fall.

He says that the 2X formulation has another positive benefit.

DOSIER: We’ve found that one of the best benefits of the product using the ABBA Ultra formulation is that you decrease your waste or your trash pile by half as well. So if you used to create 100 plastic jugs, now you’ll be down to 50.

For more information on ABBA Ultra visit or for more information on mites see

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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