Harboring the Norovirus & Energy Issues

Harboring the Norovirus & Energy Issues

Harboring the Norovirus & Energy Issues. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Northwest Report.

Washington Congressman Doc Hastings feels that the Obama Administration is talking the talk but not walking the walk when it comes to the energy future in the U.S.

HASTINGS: First of all energy runs our economy. And the jurisdiction that I have as the Natural Resources Chairman is over all of our federal lands and most of the potential in our country for energy development comes from our federal lands. President Obama’s rhetoric has been 180 degrees from his actions.

They are touted as environmentally friendly and money saving. All those reusable shopping bags you get at the store and indeed they do save on the overuse of those plastic bags. But a new report published on Wednesday details how nine people got sick with the norovirus when they all ate cookies from the same reusable bag. The study was published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases said that two years ago researchers also found the e. coli bacteria on the bags. Bottom line says the report, the bags are safe only if they are kept clean and disinfected.

Now here’s today’s Washington Grange report.


That’s today’s Northwest Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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