5-1 SS Miriam 2

5-1 SS Miriam 2

 I told you yesterday about Rick Littrell and his son Brett and the relationship they had built through hunting together. Rick has taken Brett out with him since he was 2 years old. Well recently they went on a turkey hunt where Brett, for the very 1st time, became the hunter and Rick was there as the proud father for support. Let’s pick up the story from there: “We planted the decoy and we got back behind the tree. I use a read in my mouth and a box call and I just hit the call little bit and these birds started going crazy. They started fighting each other and there were 3 of them. Every time I would call, they would gobble and then start wailing on each other. Jumping in the air, spurring each other, beating each other with their wings and when that hen came up, I thought she had the potential to bust us but she just kind of hung out and those 3 toms, once she got near us, they just decided to go ahead and come And quit fighting. As they came up toward us they were lined up. To his credit he didn’t shoot. He would’ve killed multiple birds and we had one tag. He did it the right way. He was patient enough to wait for that lead bird to separate itself and as soon as he did, he pulled the trigger and rolled this thing up. it was an 18  yard shot, he uses a 20 gauge. We grabbed hold of it and it was a stud. It had a 7 1/2 inch beard, three-quarter inch hooks on it, we high-fived, we hugged and it was an awesome experience. For father and son. Oh yeah.

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