The Recipe For Raising Healthy Kids

The Recipe For Raising Healthy Kids

Susan Allen
Susan Allen


I’m Susan Allen welcome to Open Range, The recipe for  healthy happy kids it’s really quite simple, raise them on a ranch. I’m not kidding stay tuned, I’ll be back with some new research. Canadian scientist are making  great strides  in understanding why certain children are more prone to asthma than others , and  especially why more and more children in developed countries, like the U.S. are suffering from this devastating disease.  9.6 percent of  American children now have the asthma.They are calling their findings the  hygiene hypothesis. In a nut shell our era of helicopter parents and anti-bacterial wipes has hurt our children because they aren’t not exposed to bacteria and fungi early on that would help to make their immune systems strong.  The researchers  believe that hyper –sanitation practices are behind what's' causing the disappearance of ancestral species  of bacteria in our gut critical to healthy immune systems.  These new findings are in the wake of a study last year that found that kids raised on farms and ranchers were up to 50% less  likely to develop asthma and supports my mother-in-law research  of why city-kids need handi-wipes at  petty zoos, yet rodeo and 4-H kids handle all aspects of caring for livestock without getting sick. 

The findings are published in EMBO Reports

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