Getting lawmakers to see both sides of the ledger

Getting lawmakers to see both sides of the ledger

Washington Ag Today November 28, 2011 Lawmakers begin a special legislative session today to deal with the state’s budget deficit. Jim Jesernig, who represents several agriculture organizations, says agriculture is always a target for budget cutting or revenue raising through the removal of tax exemptions. And times are seemingly good for Washington’s farmers and ranchers.

Jesernig: “Part of the problem is a misunderstanding. And that is though, yes prices have gone up. In some areas the yields have been pretty good to it has been pretty good times. The input costs have skyrocketed almost across the board. You talk about the feed cost for the cattle and dairy industry. Talk about fertilizer costs for the wheat and potato industry. Labor costs for the fruit industry have just been off the charts. So though it is pretty good it is not great because what you have to look at is what is the net income at the end of the day and the net come does not mirror the gross income increase. And that is one of the things when you are working with legislators from Seattle or some place like that, they just look at the gross numbers and say, you guys are doing great.”

Jesernig expects protecting research will be a top priority of agriculture in the special and regular sessions of the legislature as well as protecting tax exemptions.

Both the House and Senate Ag Committees will be meeting later this week.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s Washington Ag Today on Northwest Aginfo Net.



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