Obama promises common sense regulation

Obama promises common sense regulation

Farm and Ranch August 19, 2011 Environmental regulation is a major concern of farmers and ranchers and the issue came up this week during President Obama’s Midwest bus tour. The president promised common sense regulations and said often talk about extensive controls on such things as noise and dust are just that, talk.

Obama: “If you hear something but it hasn‘t happened, don‘t always believe what you hear. No, I am serious about that because a lot of times the folks in Washington, there may be some staff person somewhere that wrote some article or said maybe we should to look into something, and I am being perfectly honest, the lobbyists and associations in Washington they will get all ginned up and they will start sending out notices to everybody saying look what is coming down the pike. And a lot of times we are going to be applying common sense and if somebody has an idea, and we don‘t think it is a good idea, if we don‘t think there is more benefit than cost to it, we are not going to do it. So I want to make sure everyone gets accurate information. If you ever have a question as to whether we are putting something in place that is going to make it harder for you to farm contact USDA. Talk to them directly. Find out what is you are concerned about. My suspicion is a lot of times they are going to be able to answer your questions and it will turn out that some of your fears are unfounded.”

Obama had this to say about U.S. agriculture.

Obama: “Nobody is more interested in seeing our agricultural sector successful than I am.”

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s Washington Ag Today on Northwest Aginfo Net.


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