Vietnam visit creates interest in U.S. dehydrated potatoes

Vietnam visit creates interest in U.S. dehydrated potatoes

Farm and Ranch Report July 6, 2011 Vietnam is a new market opportunity for U.S. potatoes. Theresa Kuwahara who manages international dehy marketing for the United States Potato Board says a visit was conducted to Vietnam to begin a program there for U.S. dehydrated potatoes.

TK: “In which we invited U.S. dehy processors to come along with us as well. The goal is really to learn more about the market to better understand the opportunity and challenges of this market as well as to meet local trade and to establish new partnerships and contacts.”

Kuwahara says there are excellent opportunities for U.S. dehy in Vietnam with its young population and double digit growth in the food service sector.

Kuwahara: “We are seeing opportunities in the baking industry, the snack food industry and also food manufacturing.”

As a result of the Potato Board visit Kuwahara says;

Kuwahara: “Right now importers and distributors are looking to establish partnerships with U.S. processors and some times that is a lengthy process. So, that is one of the first steps that is happening.”

And if these relationships are successful?

Kuwahara: “All of these opportunities really represent net new business for the U. S. potato industry.”

That’s the U.S. Potato Update. Brought to you by the United States Potato Board, maximizing return on grower investment. I’m Bob Hoff for Northwest Aginfo Net.

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