New state budget impact on ag at WSU unknown

New state budget impact on ag at WSU unknown

Washington Ag Today June 1, 2011 Washington State University’s appropriation in the new biennial budget adopted by state lawmakers in their special session cuts 108 million dollars from the university over two years. But with an expected 16 percent increase in tuition, the net reduction for WSU’s budget would be 39 million dollars, a 5.2 percent cut.

What might this mean for agriculture at Washington State University? Dr. Ralph Cavalieri, Associate Dean and Director of WSU’s College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences.

Cavalieri: “The implications to agriculture, be it Extension or Research, are not clear at this point other than the legislature did not put any language in there that directs the president how to deal with the budget reductions. Because of his statements on the record many times over of the priority of WSU as a land grant university and the role of agriculture in our mission, and frankly because of the performance of our faculty and so on, I am pretty comfortable on how the decisions will come out.”

Cavalieri says we won’t know what the those decisions will be until September.

When you combine reductions from the current biennium with those for the next one, state support for WSU overall has been reduced by about 50 percent.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s Washington Ag Today on Northwest Aginfo Net.

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