2-23 FB Beef lbs Down

2-23 FB Beef lbs Down

 Shrinking U.S. Beef Herd. There appears to be an increasing global concern about food supply and that has recently been reflected in the commodity markets. But perhaps there is some good news on the food supply side for cattlemen in Idaho due to lower production in other states. The number of beef cows in the United States is falling. According to Extension Ag Economist Chris Hurt who says the trend lower has been in place for several years.

 “The continued decline is related to  multi-year financial discouragement due to high and volatile feed prices, to shortages of pastures in some areas last summer and developing dry conditions in the S.E. and central and Southern plains. Beef cow numbers at 30.9 million head are down 2% over the last year and down 6% since 2005.”

The only area of increase came in the northern and central plains as cow numbers seem to be concentrating in the open spaces of the central part of the nation. Still - Hurt says the number of beef cows is down - and looks to shrink even further in the coming months.


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