Potato conference keynote speaker to talk ag trends and action

Potato conference keynote speaker to talk ag trends and action

Washington Ag Today December 31, 2010 The program for the 2011 Washington-Oregon Potato Conference is packed with scientific reports, national and state updates on the industry and of course a keynote speaker.

Karen Bonaudi, Assistant Executive Director of the Washington State Potato Commission, says the keynote speech will be given by a Washingtonian.

Bonaudi: “Bob Treadway is from Anacortes. And we actually heard him speak at the Focus on Farming Conference they had up in Snohomish County earlier this year. And he was a really, really good speaker.”

Treadway’s address is entitled “20/20 Foresight: A look into the Future of Agriculture.”

Bonaudi: “He calls himself a futurist but we have had futurists before and what they usually do give a lot of statistics and even projected statistics. What Bob does is take a look at what is happening now and what is projected, and actually tells people what they can do about it and gives examples of that. So it really is an applied futurism.”

The Washington-Oregon Potato Conference is January 25th through the 27th at the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick and Treadway’s keynote will be Wednesday, January 26th at 11 a.m.

That’s Washington Ag Today. Brought to you in part by the Washington State Potato Commission. Nutrition today. Good health tomorrow. I’m Bob Hoff on Northwest Aginfo Net.



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