12-27 IAN Wally & Grazing

12-27 IAN Wally & Grazing

 More testimony that grazing on public lands is not only not harmful, but may indeed be beneficial from an environmental perspective. I’m David Sparks…I did a story some time ago wherein Utah public officials were joining with their Governor to support grazing on public lands. I talked with some of them and they said scientific data support the benefits if there is close management. I talked with Idaho Farm Bureau Range Specialist and asked him the same question: “I talked with some authorities from Utah and they said scientific data support the benefits if there is close management. That’s the 2 key words if done properly and managed properly, and there’s a great deal of science out there that supports that. The problem we’ve gotten into in the past is that much of that good science has been taken out of context, soundbytes if you will, out of the good literature that’s peer reviewed, and used in courts and built cases against grazing when it shouldn’t be.


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